Somebody from our company has falsely accused me of firing a lot of employees without assigning any reason. I became worried after reading such a false rumour on social media. Now the company has made it compulsory for all its employees not to indulge in the spreading of false rumours at the workplace.
When our social media team observed that this false rumour is going viral on Facebook and other social platforms, the company amended its policy regarding workplace ethics. The integral part of this policy is that rumour of any kind is strictly banned within the office premises. It was thought necessary because we are committed to providing a peaceful, calm and rumour-free working environment to all our employees.
Rumour is a social evil which can cause misunderstanding between colleagues of a company. This is the reality that we expose ourselves to various rumours directly or indirectly. Even if somebody spreads false rumours, we must not put our ears to it and keep ourselves away from this evil.
After thinking a lot, management has decided to implement the rumour-free work policy with immediate effect. Salient features of this policy are as follows:
- Except when it is needed, no employee will be talking about his colleague in his absence. This step has been taken to eliminate the chances of rumours.
- Every employee should refuse to participate in any talk which is against the employee who is not present at the workplace. At that time, his moral duty should be to change the topic.
- Every employee must keep himself away from such negative emails, texts, social media posts or letters in which private information about any employee has been asked. Similarly, if somebody asks you about company policies via the same sources, you must not respond and report to management immediately.
- If you observe your colleague doing something wrong or against the rules of the company, you must report it immediately to management instead of talking about it with your other colleagues.
- All employees must have a concern with their own work.
The above-mentioned policy must be followed by all employees. In case of non-compliance with the policy, strict disciplinary action will be taken.
Subject: False rumours at work policy [#XT]
Dear Employees,
The purpose of writing this policy letter is to inform all employees that the spreading of false rumours at the workplace is being strictly banned henceforth. During last month, we have received a lot of complaints from our employees in which they have accused their colleagues of defamation. This situation has caused defamation of the persons being the subject of rumours. Similarly, conflicts between various employees have also been reported mainly due to false rumours.
To avoid the occurrence of such an unpleasant situation, the company has decided to introduce a rumour-free workplace policy. The sole purpose behind making such a policy is to make our office a place where you must fully concentrate on your work rather than discussing your colleagues negatively. The salient features of this policy are as follows:
- No discussion or negative gossiping against any employee in his absence will be tolerated from now. If due for any reason, you have grudge against any of your colleagues, you must go straight to him and clear your misunderstandings.
- Henceforth, no grouping and gathering are allowed in the office because the manager has reported to me about several groups which are serving as breeding places for all false rumours. We want to abolish this practice forever.
- In order to prevent the leakage of secret information by its employees, the company has now decided to keep a strict check on the social media accounts of all working employees. It looks strange but employees have compelled us to take such measures.
It has been observed that people love to talk about others’ affairs rather than concentrate on their own work. Formulation of the above-mentioned policy was direly needed because offices are the social places which give birth to most of the rumours. In turn, these cause serious damage to a person who is being gossiped about or falsely rumoured about.
This is expected from employees that they will follow this policy in letter and spirit and refrain from spreading false rumours about their colleagues.